密歇根大学的一名学生被一辆汽车击中,目前状况稳定;该事件正在调查中。 A University of Michigan student was hit by a car and is in stable condition; the incident is under investigation.
一名密歇根大学学生于星期三上午在南泰耶街附近穿过北大学大道时被一辆汽车撞伤,重伤。 A University of Michigan student was seriously injured after being hit by a car while crossing North University Avenue near South Thayer Street on Wednesday morning. 这名24岁的学生身体状况稳定,72岁的Ypsilanti妇女司机受轻伤。 The 24-year-old student is in stable condition, while the driver, a 72-year-old Ypsilanti woman, suffered minor injuries. 事件正在调查之中,警察排除了速度和鲁莽驾驶作为因素。 The incident is under investigation, with police ruling out speed and reckless driving as factors. 该地区暂时为调查而关闭,但此后又重新开放。 The area was temporarily closed for the investigation but has since reopened.