两名保健工作者在一名病人死于过于热的浴缸严重烧伤后,面临严重忽视指控。 Two healthcare workers face felony neglect charges after a patient died from severe burns in a too-hot bathtub.
西弗吉尼亚州一个长期护理设施的两名保健工作者被指控在一名非口头病人Larry Hedrick死于严重烧伤后被严重忽视重罪,当时他被留在一个烧焦的热浴缸里。 Two healthcare workers at a West Virginia long-term care facility have been charged with felony neglect after a nonverbal patient, Larry Hedrick, died from severe burns after being left in a scalding hot bathtub. 注册护士助理Kylah Beard和注册护士Delilah Clyburn-Hill被指控分别没有检查水温和提供适当治疗。 Certified nursing assistant Kylah Beard and registered nurse Delilah Clyburn-Hill are accused of failing to check the water temperature and provide adequate treatment respectively. Hedrick 61岁 一周后因伤势过重而去世 Hedrick, 61, passed away a week later from his injuries. 总检察长医疗补助欺诈控制股正在调查此案。 The case is under investigation by the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.