苏格兰议会雇员在17年内因100万英镑的退税欺诈行为被判处四年监禁。 Scottish council employee sentenced to four years for £1 million tax refund fraud over 17 years.
阿伯丁市议会雇员Michael Paterson被判处四年监禁,罪名是17年来伪造市议会退税,盗窃超过100万英镑。 Aberdeen City Council employee Michael Paterson was sentenced to four years in prison for stealing over £1 million by falsifying council tax refunds over 17 years. 尽管实行了财务控制,但理事会未能发现欺诈行为。 Despite having financial controls in place, the council failed to detect the fraud. 账户委员会敦促苏格兰理事会改善其财务监督和内部控制,以防止发生类似事件。 The Accounts Commission has urged Scottish councils to improve their financial scrutiny and internal controls to prevent similar incidents. 迄今为止,理事会没有退还受影响的纳税人,也没有就欺诈行为与他们联系。 To date, the council has not refunded affected taxpayers or contacted them about the fraud.