皇家骑警追踪一辆被盗吉普车到一处财产,在Wetaskiwin找到了更多的被盗物品、毒品,并逮捕了两名男子。 RCMP tracked a stolen Jeep to a property, finding more stolen items, drugs, and arresting two men in Wetaskiwin.
在圣诞节前夕, Wetaskiwin RCMP追踪了一辆带GPS的失窃吉普车到县内的一处财产,执行搜查令,在那里他们发现了另一辆失窃卡车、一辆仿造枪支和芬太尼。 On Christmas Eve, Wetaskiwin RCMP tracked a stolen Jeep with GPS to a property in the county, executing a search warrant where they found another stolen truck, an imitation firearm, and fentanyl. 3人被逮捕;48岁的Darryl Walter Admussen和39岁的Scott Alexander Clindon被指控犯有与被盗财产和非法物质有关的各种罪行。 Three individuals were arrested; Darryl Walter Admussen, 48, and Scott Alexander Clendon, 39, were charged with various crimes related to stolen property and illicit substances. 两人均被释放,定于2025年1月出庭。 Both were released and are set to appear in court in January 2025.