北爱尔兰议员Sorcha Eastwood以强奸威胁和虐待为由,大声疾呼反对暴力。 Northern Ireland MP Sorcha Eastwood speaks out against violence, citing rape threats and abuse.
北爱尔兰议员Sorcha Eastwood称自己为「虐待幸存者」, 在国会中表示接受强奸威胁, Northern Ireland MP Sorcha Eastwood, describing herself as a "survivor of abuse," spoke out in Parliament about receiving rape threats, including an incident during a school visit. 她强调,北爱尔兰是欧洲妇女最危险的地方之一,并对隐性文化表示关切。 She highlighted Northern Ireland as one of Europe's most dangerous places for women and expressed concerns about incel culture. Eastwood呼吁采取更积极的行动,解决对妇女的暴力问题,认为她所在的区域由于历史动荡而落后于其他地区。 Eastwood called for more aggressive action to tackle violence against women, arguing that her region lags behind others due to its troubled history.