尼日利亚法院命令官员在经济上有顾虑的情况下在法庭上为就业税辩护。 Nigerian court orders officials to defend employment levy in court amid economic concerns.
尼日利亚联邦高等法院下令内政部长和总检察长于1月16日出庭,为拟议的离国就业救济(EEL)进行辩护。 A Nigerian Federal High Court has ordered the Interior Minister and the Attorney-General to appear in court on January 16 to defend the proposed Expatriate Employment Levy (EEL). 新Kosol福利倡议已提起诉讼,要求停止实施《EL》,认为这对经济有害。 The New Kosol Welfare Initiative has filed a lawsuit seeking to halt the implementation of the EEL, arguing it is harmful to the economy. 内政部此前曾暂停征税,以便与利益攸关方协商。 The Ministry of Interior had previously paused the levy to consult with stakeholders.