尼日利亚和中国承诺提供军事和金融合作,包括当地武器生产和熊猫债券。 Nigeria and China pledge military and financial cooperation, including local arms production and Panda bonds.
尼日利亚计划在当地生产军事装备,由中国帮助减少对外国供应的依赖。 Nigeria plans to produce military equipment locally with China's help to reduce reliance on foreign supplies. 中国外交部长王仪表示支持尼日利亚在中国债券市场上发行熊猫债券,这可以帮助基础设施项目。 China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed support for Nigeria issuing Panda bonds in China’s bond market, which could aid infrastructure projects. 两国都强调它们承诺在安全、基础设施和金融联系等领域加强双边关系与合作。 Both countries highlighted their commitment to enhancing bilateral relations and cooperation in areas like security, infrastructure, and financial ties.