尼日利亚前总统奥巴桑乔主张加强中非关系,强调经济利益。 Former Nigerian President Obasanjo advocates for closer China-Africa ties, highlighting economic benefits.
尼日利亚前总统奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔强调中国的发展是尼日利亚和非洲的一个榜样,赞扬中国在减贫方面的创新和成功。 Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo highlights China's development as a model for Nigeria and Africa, praising its innovation and success in reducing poverty. 他主张深化协作,指出中国愿意通过 " 贝尔特和路 " 等举措分享经验,以促进非洲的贸易和基础设施。 He advocates for deeper collaboration, noting China's willingness to share its experience through initiatives like the Belt and Road, to boost African trade and infrastructure. 奥巴桑乔强调公平的贸易在这一伙伴关系中的重要性。 Obasanjo emphasizes the importance of fair trade in this partnership.