音乐家在苏格兰的提里岛 推出200多年以来 第一次合法单一麦芽威士忌 Musicians launch Scotland's Isle of Tiree's first legal single malt whisky in over 200 years.
由音乐家Alain Campbell和Ian Smith创立的Tiree Whisky有限公司在200多年的时间里从苏格兰的Tiree岛推出了第一家合法单一麦芽威士忌。 The Tiree Whisky Company Ltd, founded by musicians Alain Campbell and Ian Smith, has launched the first legal single malt whisky from Scotland's Isle of Tiree in over 200 years. 蒸馏厂的目的是保护Tiree的威士忌遗产,其中包括过去50个非法蒸馏厂。 The distillery aims to preserve Tiree's whisky heritage, which includes 50 illicit distilleries in the past. 以199.99英镑的价格有限地首次放行了800瓶Tiree岛单一麦特威士忌威士忌零售,最初的预售期在两个小时内售出400瓶。 The limited first release of 800 bottles of Isle of Tiree Single Malt Scotch Whisky retails at £199.99, with an initial pre-sale of 400 bottles selling out in under two hours.