盗贼从苏格兰的一家商店 偷走了稀有的39000英镑 高地公园威士忌和其他贵重物品 Thieves stole a rare £39,000 Highland Park whisky and other valuables from a Scottish store.
盗贼在11月23日星期六清晨闯入苏格兰伯斯郡布鲁尔之家时, 从苏格兰珀斯郡的布鲁尔之家偷了一个价值39 000英镑的稀有54岁的高地公园威士忌和其他高价值瓶子。 Thieves stole a rare 54-year-old Highland Park whisky worth £39,000 and other high-value bottles from The House of Bruar in Perthshire, Scotland, during a break-in early Saturday morning, November 23. 苏格兰警方正在调查并呼吁任何可能收到被偷的威士忌供出售的人提供情报。 Police Scotland is investigating and appealing for information from anyone who may have been offered the stolen whisky for sale. 被盗货物的总价值尚未披露。 The total value of the stolen goods has not been disclosed.