Andy Warhol博物馆前教育家Mario Rossero 以新导演身份返回。 Mario Rossero, a former educator at The Andy Warhol Museum, returns as its new director.
Mario R.Rossero是匹兹堡Andy Warhol博物馆的本地和前艺术教育家,自3月31日起被任命为新主任。 Mario R. Rossero, a Pittsburgh native and former arts educator at The Andy Warhol Museum, has been appointed as its new director, starting March 31. Rossero目前领导全国艺术教育协会,具有艺术教育背景,以前曾在肯尼迪表演艺术中心工作。 Rossero, who currently leads the National Art Education Association, has a background in arts education and previously worked at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 他认为他返回博物馆是“回家”,目的是提高艺术的无障碍程度和教育程度。 He sees his return to the museum as a "homecoming" and aims to enhance arts accessibility and education.