凯特·卡西迪以"444"表彰利亚姆·佩恩 因为有五人因他死伤而面临指控 Kate Cassidy honors Liam Payne with "444," as five people face charges over his fatal fall.
已故 One Direction 明星利亚姆·佩恩 (Liam Payne) 的前女友凯特·卡西迪 (Kate Cassidy) 在 Instagram 上发布了一篇悼念文章,其中印有数字“444”,对他们来说,这是一个象征保护和鼓励的“天使数字”,意义重大。 Kate Cassidy, the ex-girlfriend of late One Direction star Liam Payne, posted a tribute on Instagram featuring the number "444," significant to them as an "angel number" symbolizing protection and encouragement. 佩恩在南美酒店阳台坠落后于31岁死亡。 Payne died at 31 after falling from a hotel balcony in South America. 他的家人认为有伸张正义的机会,因为有5个人,包括他的经理和旅馆工作人员,面临过失杀人的指控,如果被判定有罪,最多可被判处5年监禁。 His family sees a chance for justice as five individuals, including his manager and hotel staff, face charges of negligent homicide, with up to five years in prison if found guilty.