凯特·卡西迪在十月去世后 用天使翅膀纹身 向利亚姆·佩恩致以荣誉 Kate Cassidy honors Liam Payne with angel wings tattoo after his death in October.
Kate Cassidy, 已故一流明星Liam Payne的女友, 分享了天使翅膀的新纹身, Kate Cassidy, girlfriend of late One Direction star Liam Payne, has shared a new tattoo of angel wings, seen as a tribute to Payne following his death in October. Payne在布宜诺斯艾利斯一个旅馆阳台坠落后死亡,他最近与Cassidy一起收养了一只狗。 Payne, who died after falling from a hotel balcony in Buenos Aires, had recently adopted a dog with Cassidy. 她一直在社交媒体上分享他们关系的回忆,包括滑雪和保龄球等活动。 She has been sharing memories of their relationship on social media, including activities like skiing and bowling.