Emmy奖,更新了董事和客座演员的Emmy奖规则; 日间Emmys从2025年起迁至10月。 Emmy Awards rules updated for directors and guest actors; Daytime Emmys moved to October starting 2025.
电视学院已经修改了Emmy奖规则,从今年开始影响到董事和客座演员,对2026年的选题和主题音乐规则作了进一步调整。 The Television Academy has made changes to Emmy Awards rules, affecting directors and guest actors starting this year, with further adjustments to casting and theme music rules set for 2026. Emmys日报将于10月举行,从通常的6月日期开始,6月时段由新闻和纪录片Emmys填补。 The Daytime Emmys will now take place in October, moving from their usual June date, with the News & Documentary Emmys filling the June slot. 这些变化旨在更好地协调重大电视奖颁奖活动。 These changes aim to better align major television award events.