艾美奖调整了时间表,将日间艾美奖移至10月,将新闻与纪录片艾美奖移至6月。 Emmy Awards adjust schedules, moving Daytime Emmys to October and News & Documentary Emmys to June.
电视学院已经为艾美奖做出了几项规则更改,包括将日间艾美奖移至十月,将新闻与纪录片艾美奖移至六月。 The Television Academy has made several rule changes for the Emmy Awards, including moving the Daytime Emmys to October and the News & Documentary Emmys to June. 这些调整旨在更好地协调重大行业活动的时间安排。 These adjustments aim to better align the timing of major industry events. 导演和客串演员的变化将于今年生效,而选角和主题音乐规则的更新将于 2026 年实施。 Changes for directors and guest actors are in effect this year, while updates to casting and theme music rules will be implemented in 2026.