贝尔法斯特试点在主要地点进行可重复使用的杯子,每年消除200万个塑料杯。 Belfast pilots reusable cups in major venues to eliminate two million plastic cups yearly.
贝尔法斯特(Belfast)正在启动一个为期12个月的试点,在主要地点,如海滨大厅、SSE Arena和Oh ye Centre,用可重复使用的塑料杯取代单一用途塑料杯,旨在每年清除200万塑料杯和40吨废物。 Belfast is launching a 12-month pilot to replace single-use plastic cups with reusable ones in major venues like the Waterfront Hall, SSE Arena, and Oh Yeah Centre, aiming to remove two million plastic cups and 40 tons of waste annually. North Down Marquees将负责杯子的交付、收集和清洁,SSE Arena定于1月中旬首先实施该计划。 North Down Marquees will handle the delivery, collection, and cleaning of the cups, with the SSE Arena set to implement the scheme first in mid-January. 这项倡议得到贝尔法斯特访问团的支持,是联合王国和爱尔兰首个此类倡议。 This initiative, supported by Visit Belfast, is the first of its kind in the UK and Ireland.