联合王国为30多个网络安全项目拨款190万英镑,用于培训专业人员和吸引青年参与。 UK allocates £1.9M for over 30 cybersecurity projects to train professionals and engage youth.
联合王国政府已拨款190万英镑,用于资助30多个区域项目,以加强网络安全和培训一支强大的网络劳动力队伍。 The UK government has allocated £1.9 million to fund over 30 regional projects aimed at enhancing cybersecurity and training a robust cyber workforce. 该倡议针对各种各样的群体,包括学生、学徒和专业人员,重点是支持小企业和培养当地网络安全专门知识。 The initiative targets a wide range of groups, including students, apprentices, and professionals, with a focus on supporting small businesses and fostering local cybersecurity expertise. 这一努力的一部分包括网络探索者杯,让11至14岁的年轻人参与网络安全事业。 Part of this effort includes the Cyber Explorers Cup, engaging young minds aged 11 to 14 in cybersecurity careers. 该方案力求解决日益加剧的网络威胁和技能短缺问题,同时推动联合王国网络安全部门的经济增长,这已经给经济增加了近120亿英镑。 The program seeks to address the growing cyber threat and skills shortage, while also contributing to the UK's economic growth in the cybersecurity sector, which already adds nearly £12 billion to the economy.