印度的STEM基金会和CrowdStrike通过互动游戏向80岁以上学生教授网络安全。 India's STEM Foundation and CrowdStrike teach cybersecurity to 80+ students via interactive games.
印度STEM基金会(ISF)和CrowdStrike为浦那空军学校的80多名学生主办了一个网络安全教育方案。 The India STEM Foundation (ISF) and CrowdStrike hosted a cybersecurity education program for over 80 students from Pune's Air Force School. 该活动通过互动游戏向学生传授网络安全知识, 目的是激发未来职业, 帮助弥补技能差距。 Using CrowdStrike's gamified Cyber Threat Defender Booster Pack, the event taught students about cybersecurity through interactive gameplay, aiming to inspire future careers in the field and help bridge the skills gap.