Edgecomb凶杀案嫌疑人 在圣地亚哥的帆船上被捕 结束了跨国搜捕 Suspect in Edgecomb homicide case arrested on sailboat in San Diego, ending cross-country manhunt.
Edgecomb的一起杀人案的一名嫌疑人在圣地亚哥的一艘帆船上被捕。 A suspect in a homicide case from Edgecomb was arrested on a sailboat in San Diego. 逮捕标志着全国搜索的结束。 The arrest marks the end of a search that led across the country. 关于案件的细节和嫌疑人的身份尚未完全披露。 Details about the case and the suspect's identity have not been fully disclosed.