San Diego餐厅的嫌犯入室盗窃案 在追车后被捕 发现有大锤 Suspect in San Diego restaurant burglaries arrested after car chase, found with sledgehammer.
圣地亚哥一连串餐馆入室盗窃案的嫌疑人 在周四早些时候被捕 在一次汽车追逐之后 A suspect in a series of restaurant burglaries in San Diego was arrested early Thursday after a car chase that ended with his vehicle spinning out on the 56 freeway. 这名男子被怀疑使用大锤闯入建筑物,在汽车中被抓住,身上有工具和其他与盗窃有关的物品。 The man, suspected of using a sledgehammer to break into buildings, was caught with the tool and other burglary-related items in his car. 警方将他与多起事件联系起来,并正在调查他是否对该地区最近发生的其他闯入事件负责。 Police linked him to multiple incidents and are investigating if he is responsible for other recent break-ins in the area.