配有摄像头的智能养器正在激发观鸟的兴趣, 自2022年以来, 已售出超过35万台. Smart bird feeders with cameras are boosting bird-watching interest, selling over 350,000 units since 2022.
使用内置摄像头的智能鸟类喂养器越来越受欢迎,引起对观鸟的新兴趣。 Smart bird feeders with built-in cameras are gaining popularity, sparking a new interest in bird-watching. Bird Buddy等公司自2022年以来出售了350 000多个智能饲料,提供捕捉鸟类照片和视频的装置,让用户能够在家里观察野生生物。 Companies like Bird Buddy, which has sold over 350,000 smart feeders since 2022, offer devices that capture photos and videos of birds, allowing users to observe wildlife from home. 这一趋势已导致对鸟类和自然的赏识增加,即使是那些事先没有兴趣的鸟类和自然的赏识也随之增加。 This trend has led to increased appreciation for birds and nature, even among those with no prior interest. 全国Audubon协会与Buddy合作,促进鸟类保护。 The National Audubon Society has partnered with Bird Buddy to promote bird conservation.