Wonder在2025年的CES揭幕Petal和Wonder Blocks,即组合式花园栖息地。 Wonder unveils Petal, an AI wildlife camera, and Wonder Blocks, modular garden habitats, at CES 2025.
在2025年CES, Wonder, 一个来自Bird Buddy的新品牌, 揭幕了Petal, 一个AI驱动的HD相机, 类似于一朵大橘子花, At CES 2025, Wonder, a new brand from Bird Buddy, unveiled Petal, an AI-powered HD camera resembling a large orange flower, and Wonder Blocks, a modular habitat system for gardens. Petal, 价格约为99美元, 可以是太阳能, 识别野生动物, 现场流到用户的装置上。 Petal, priced around $99, can be solar-powered and identifies wildlife, live-streaming to users' devices. 它还可安装在奇异区块上,其中包括建立生物多样化生境的要素。 It can also be mounted on Wonder Blocks, which includes elements for creating biodiverse habitats. 这两个产品都定于今年春天推出。 Both products are set to launch this spring.