波兰定于5月18日举行总统选举, 华沙市长领导反对派。 Poland set to hold presidential election on May 18, with Warsaw Mayor leading for opposition.
波兰将于5月18日举行总统选举,若需要,可能于6月1日举行第二轮总统选举。 Poland will hold its presidential election on May 18, with a possible second round on June 1 if needed. 华沙市市长Rafal Trzaskowski是公民联盟的领先者,而历史学家Karol Nawroki则得到反对党法律与正义党的支持。 Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski is the frontrunner for the Civic Coalition, while historian Karol Nawrocki is backed by the opposition Law and Justice party. 波兰结束了为期六个月的欧盟主席国任期, The election comes as Poland ends its six-month presidency of the European Union and as incumbent President Andrzej Duda's term concludes in August.