诺基亚和Stc集团实现了中东第一次1Tbps长途数据试验,促进了数字基础设施的发展。 Nokia and stc Group achieve Middle East's first 1Tbps long-haul data trial, boosting digital infrastructure.
诺基亚和Stc小组通过完成该地区第一个1Tbps长途数据试验,在中东取得了一个里程碑。 Nokia and stc Group have achieved a milestone in the Middle East by completing the region's first 1Tbps long-haul data trial. 利用诺基亚先进的PSE-6s技术,试验显示,人工智能和云服务等带宽重应用的可扩缩性极强。 Using Nokia's advanced PSE-6s technology, the trial showed exceptional scalability for bandwidth-heavy applications like AI and cloud services. 该试验在850公里以上进行,通过加强数字基础设施和促进无缝连接,支持了沙特阿拉伯的《2030年远景规划》。 Conducted over 850km, the trial supports Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 by enhancing digital infrastructure and promoting seamless connectivity.