在中东, Nokia 和 du 发射第一个 5G Cloud RAN, 提升 AI 和工业应用。 Nokia and du launch the first 5G Cloud RAN in the Middle East, boosting AI and industry apps.
阿联酋电信公司Nokia and du, UAE电信公司,在中东和非洲部署了第一个商业的5G云式雷达解决方案,增强了灵活性和可扩展性。 Nokia and du, a UAE telecom provider, have deployed the first commercial 5G Cloud RAN solution in the Middle East and Africa, enhancing flexibility and scalability. 这一混合型RAN战略支持先进的数字技术,如AI和机器学习,以及制造业、能源和物流行业的具体应用。 This hybrid RAN strategy supports advanced digital technologies like AI and machine learning, and industry-specific applications in manufacturing, energy, and logistics. 解决方案在阿布扎比部署,使用Nokia的虚拟化装置和Dell服务器,由红帽子OpenShift提供动力,使服务部署和网络可扩缩更快。 Deployed in Abu Dhabi, the solution uses Nokia's virtualized units and Dell servers, powered by Red Hat OpenShift, enabling faster service deployment and network scalability.