美国航天局提出更便宜、更快的火星样本返回任务,费用削减最多50亿美元。 NASA proposes cheaper, faster Mars sample return mission, with costs cut by up to $5 billion.
美国航天局正在提出一个更负担得起和更快的计划,以便从火星上取回由远洋漫游者收集的岩石样品。 NASA is proposing a more affordable and faster plan to retrieve rock samples from Mars collected by the Perseverance rover. 最初的任务估计耗资110亿美元,但新计划的目标是将费用减至60亿至70亿美元。 The original mission was estimated to cost $11 billion but the new plans aim to reduce costs to between $6 billion and $7 billion. 正在考虑两种选择方案:一种是使用“天空起重机”着陆系统,另一种是涉及SpaceX等商业伙伴。 Two options are being considered: one using a "sky crane" landing system and the other involving commercial partners like SpaceX. 两者都旨在到2035年将样品送回地球。 Both aim to return the samples to Earth by 2035. 关于特派团计划的最后决定将由即将上任的行政当局作出。 The final decision on the mission plan will be made by the incoming administration.