太空总署的耐久巡航船 到达火星的Jezero Crater轮圈 准备探索古代生命的征兆 NASA's Perseverance rover reaches Mars' Jezero Crater rim, set to explore for signs of ancient life.
美国宇航局的毅力号火星探测器已经完成了为期 31/2 个月的攀登,登上了 1,640 英尺的垂直高度。 NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has completed a 3½-month climb to the top of Jezero Crater's rim, ascending 1,640 vertical feet. 这一成就标志着其新的“北环”运动的开始,它将在4英里外探索多达4个地质地点,采集能够提供火星上古代微生物生命迹象的样品。 This achievement marks the start of its new "Northern Rim" campaign, where it will explore up to four geological sites over 4 miles, collecting samples that could provide signs of ancient microbial life on Mars. 该任务还旨在为今后的人类探索铺平道路。 The mission also aims to pave the way for future human exploration.