在纽瓦克机场被捕的男子,他试图偷偷摸摸地把隐藏在LEGO套件中的一支拆卸的枪藏起来。 Man arrested at Newark Airport for trying to sneak a disassembled gun hidden in a LEGO set.
一名男子在2024年10月在纽瓦克机场被捕,此前TSA官员在他的手提包中发现了一支拆解的9毫米手枪,藏在黑乐高车组的碎片中. A man was arrested at Newark Airport in October 2024 after TSA officers found a disassembled 9mm handgun hidden among pieces of a Black Panther LEGO set in his carry-on bag. 乘客试图把它作为玩具传送出去,然后声称是属于他兄弟的,但土耳其航天局证实这是真枪实弹。 The passenger tried to pass it off as a toy and then claimed it belonged to his brother, but the TSA confirmed it was a real firearm. 该事件被列为该年TSA名单上第8个最不寻常的发现。 The incident was ranked as the eighth most unusual find on the TSA's list for the year.