一名来自韦斯特切斯特的贝德福德男子在纽瓦克机场被捕,他持枪上膛,并面临15 000美元的罚款。 A man from Bedford, Westchester was arrested at Newark Airport with a loaded gun and faces a $15,000 fine.
一名来自Westchester的Bedford男子在纽瓦克自由国际机场被捕,他可能面临15 000美元的罚款,因为TSA在一个安全检查站发现他的手提袋中装有手枪和五发子弹。 A man from Bedford, Westchester was arrested at Newark Liberty International Airport, facing a potential $15,000 fine, after a loaded handgun and five bullets were discovered in his carry-on bag by TSA at a security checkpoint. 此人在前往法国途中被港务局警察拘留。 The individual, en route to France, was taken into custody by Port Authority police. 这标志着今年在纽瓦克机场 第12次缴获枪支 This marks the 12th gun seizure at Newark Airport this year.