缅因州州长米尔斯面临 $118M 医疗补助缺口,计划在不增加税收的情况下进行预算。 Maine Governor Mills confronts $118M Medicaid shortfall, plans budget without raising taxes.
缅因州州长珍妮特·米尔斯(Janet Mills)在医疗援助基金(MaineCare)资金短缺1.18亿美元, Governor Janet Mills of Maine is facing a $118 million shortfall in Medicaid funding (MaineCare) due to higher enrollment, post-pandemic healthcare use, and inflation. 这是未来两年更大4.5亿美元的预计赤字的一部分。 This is part of a larger $450 million projected deficit over the next two years. Mills计划引入补充预算,以弥补目前的短缺,而不使用国家储备金或提高所得税,同时侧重于扩大保健和教育供资等关键承诺。 Mills plans to introduce a supplemental budget to cover the current shortfall without using the state's reserve or raising income taxes, while also focusing on key commitments like expanding healthcare and education funding.