根据 Lawnstarter 的研究,密歇根州弗林特被评为美国最不放松的城市。 Flint, Michigan ranked as the least relaxed city in the US, according to Lawnstarter's study.
Lawnstarter的新研究显示,密歇根州弗林特是美国最不放松的城市,底特律排名第二。 Lawnstarter's new study reveals Flint, Michigan as the least relaxed city in the US, with Detroit ranking second. 该研究评估了美国500个顶级城市的福利、压力和休闲时间,发现弗林特和底特律居民中高血压和中风的比例很高。 The study assessed well-being, stressors, and leisure time in the top 500 US cities, finding that Flint and Detroit had high percentages of residents experiencing high blood pressure and stroke. 两个城市在财政福祉和环境压力因素方面排名都很低。 Both cities also ranked poorly in financial well-being and environmental stressors.