来自威斯康星州的24岁的Zachary Zastawniak因通过社交媒体对未成年人进行性剥削被判处25年联邦监禁。 24-year-old Zachary Zastawniak from Wisconsin sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for sexually exploiting minors via social media.
Zachary Zastawniak,24岁,来自威斯康星州佩什提戈,因对未成年人进行性剥削被判处25年徒刑。 Zachary Zastawniak, 24, from Peshtigo, Wisconsin, has been sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for sexually exploiting minors. 他认罪,劝说未成年人发送性清晰的视频,并承认利用社交媒体胁迫多个未成年人。 He pled guilty to persuading a minor to send a sexually explicit video and admitted to coercing multiple minors using social media. 服刑后,他将面临25年的受监督释放,必须登记为性犯罪人。 Following his prison term, he will face 25 years of supervised release and must register as a sex offender. 法官谴责他的行为为“令人发指”和“严重恶化”。 The judge condemned his actions as "monstrous" and "horribly aggravated."