爱尔兰规划委员会拒绝在都柏林建立881个部门综合建筑的提议,因为对影响感到关切。 Irish planning board rejects proposal for 881-apartment complex in Dublin due to concerns over impact.
An Bord Pleanála拒绝为都柏林前Dundrum购物中心的881套公寓提供规划许可。 An Bord Pleanála has denied planning permission for 881 apartments at Dublin's former Dundrum shopping center site. Hammerson提出的4.66亿欧元的提案面临700多份反对意见,董事会对建筑影响、洪水风险和生活条件表示关切。 The €466 million proposal by Hammerson faced over 700 objections, with the board citing concerns over architectural impact, flood risk, and living conditions. 该计划还包括零售单位和小商店,但由于开发有可能对该地区的特征和未来住所的质量产生负面影响,因此被拒绝。 The plan also included retail units and a creche but was rejected due to the development's potential to negatively affect the area's character and the quality of future residences.