前海军陆战队员Daniel Penny 在地铁死亡中被判无罪 面临受害者父亲的起诉 Former Marine Daniel Penny, acquitted in subway death, faces lawsuit from victim's father.
前海军陆战队员丹尼尔·彭尼 (Daniel Penny) 因乔丹·尼利 (Jordan Neely) 在纽约市地铁上死亡而被判无罪,他正在寻求驳回尼利的父亲安德烈·扎克里 (Andre Zachery) 提起的诉讼。 Former Marine Daniel Penny, acquitted of criminal charges in the death of Jordan Neely on a New York City subway, is seeking to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Neely's father, Andre Zachery. Zachery指控Penny玩忽职守、攻击和殴打。 Zachery accuses Penny of negligence, assault, and battery. Penny的律师辩称,Neely的行为造成了伤害,Penny坚持他无罪。 Penny’s lawyer argues that Neely’s actions caused the injuries, and Penny maintains his innocence. 本案引发了全国性的辩论,有些人认为Penny是英雄,另一些人则认为Penny是私刑维持者。 The case has sparked national debate, with some viewing Penny as a hero and others as a vigilante.