Andre Zachary, 地铁阻塞受害者Jordan Neely的父亲, 对被告Daniel Penny提出民事诉讼。 Andre Zachary, father of subway chokehold victim Jordan Neely, files civil lawsuit against accused Daniel Penny.
Jordan Neely的父亲Andre Zachary对Daniel Penny提起了民事诉讼。 Daniel Penny被控在纽约市的地铁上掐住脖子,造成Neely死亡。 Andre Zachary, the father of Jordan Neely, has filed a civil lawsuit against Daniel Penny, the man accused of causing Neely's death with a chokehold on a New York City subway. Penny 前海军陆战队队员 Penny 正在因过失杀人和过失杀人 接受审判 Penny, a former Marine, is on trial for manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide after placing Neely, a homeless man acting erratically, in a six-minute chokehold. Zachary在诉讼案中寻求损害赔偿,起诉Penny犯有过失、攻击和殴打罪。 Zachary seeks damages in the lawsuit, which accuses Penny of negligence, assault, and battery. 目前,陪审团正在刑事审判中进行审议。 The jury is currently deliberating in the criminal trial.