前医生Joel Smithers因非法开处方超过50万类阿片而被判犯有467项罪。 Former doctor Joel Smithers convicted on 467 counts for illegally prescribing over 500,000 opioids.
Abingdon的一个联邦法院判定前Martinsville医生Joel Smithers犯有与包括类阿片在内的受管制物质非法分销有关的467项罪状。 A federal court in Abingdon has convicted former Martinsville doctor, Joel Smithers, on 467 counts related to illegally distributing controlled substances, including opioids. 2015年至2017年期间,42岁的Smithers向来自5个州的5个州的病人开了50万多处附表二所列药物。 Smithers, 42, prescribed over 500,000 Schedule II drugs to patients from five states between 2015 and 2017. 指控源于他据称在阿片危机中的作用。 The charges stem from his alleged role in the opioid crisis. 他将面临长达20年的监禁,并被罚款100万美元。 He faces up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $1 million per count. Smithers先前被判处40年徒刑,但由于法律错误而重新受到审判。 Smithers was previously sentenced to 40 years but received a new trial due to legal errors.