火灾摧毁了Thoopo的Bolus卡车零部件大楼,造成超过1百万美元的损坏和学校延误。 Fire destroys Bolus Truck Parts building in Throop, causing over $1M in damages and school delays.
星期三清晨,宾夕法尼亚州Thuroop的Bolus卡车零件和拖车大楼被一场大火摧毁,造成100多万美元的损失。 A significant fire destroyed the Bolus Truck Parts and Towing building in Throop, Pennsylvania, early Wednesday morning, resulting in over $1 million in damages. 火灾造成爆炸和浓烟,导致交通改道和两小时的学校延误。 The blaze, which caused explosions and heavy smoke, led to traffic rerouting and a two-hour school delay. 州警消防队正在调查事件起因,火灾发生时没有人在里面。 State police fire marshals are investigating the cause, with no one inside at the time of the fire.