Emmanuel Hostin博士是Sunny Hostin的丈夫的共同东道主,他被指控在纽约重大保险欺诈案中。 Dr. Emmanuel Hostin, co-host Sunny Hostin's husband, is accused in a major New York insurance fraud case.
艾曼纽尔·霍斯博士, "The View"的联合主持人桑妮·霍斯的丈夫, 是纽约一宗涉及保险欺诈的重大RICO案件中近200名被告之一. Dr. Emmanuel Hostin, husband of "The View" co-host Sunny Hostin, is one of nearly 200 defendants in a major RICO case involving insurance fraud in New York. 他被指控从事不必要的外科手术和欺诈性向美国转运公司收取费用,后者为出租车司机和搭车司机提供保险,以换取回扣。 He is accused of performing unnecessary surgeries and fraudulently billing American Transit, which insures taxi drivers and ride-share drivers, in exchange for kickbacks. Hostin医生的律师否认了这些指控,称诉讼“没有价值”。 Dr. Hostin's attorney denies the allegations, calling the lawsuit "meritless."