孙妮·霍斯在"视角"上引发了争议,将2021年国会大暴动与大屠杀和奴隶制进行了比较. Sunny Hostin sparked controversy on "The View" by comparing the 2021 Capitol riot to the Holocaust and slavery.
"视野"的联合主持人Sunny Hostin将2021年1月6日的国会大暴动与大屠杀和奴隶制进行了比较,认为这样的事件绝不能被遗忘. Sunny Hostin, a co-host on "The View," compared the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot to the Holocaust and slavery, arguing that such events must never be forgotten. 她的言论引起双方的争议和批评。 Her comments sparked controversy and criticism from both sides. 她强调必须在道义上清晰明了,而共同主办方则讨论了在不将其等同于9/11的情况下记住这一天的重要性。 She emphasized the need for moral clarity, while co-hosts discussed the importance of remembering the day without equating it to 9/11. 该节目还提到拜登总统关于暴动的论坛版文章, 突显了他对和平移交权力的承诺。 The show also mentioned President Biden's op-ed on the riot, highlighting his commitment to a peaceful transition of power. 尽管进行了比较,但民意调查表明,美国人更关心移民和通货膨胀等问题。 Despite the comparisons, polls show Americans are more concerned with issues like immigration and inflation.