在Tywyn纪念医院附近的行人路口,儿童被灰色汽车击中;警察寻找证人。 Child hit by grey car at pedestrian crossing near Tywyn Memorial Hospital; police seek witnesses.
2025年1月8日早上9点左右, 一名骑自行车的儿童在北威尔士Tywyn纪念医院附近的行人交叉口被一辆灰色汽车击中。 A child on a bike was hit by a grey car at a pedestrian crossing near Tywyn Memorial Hospital, North Wales, on January 8, 2025, around 9 AM. 没有发生严重受伤的报告。 No serious injuries were reported. 北威尔士警方正在寻找事件发生时的任何证人或影象片段,以协助调查。 North Wales Police are seeking any witnesses or dashcam footage from the time of the incident to aid their investigation. 鼓励公众通过警察网站或拨打101号电话,报告任何信息。 The public is encouraged to report any information through the police's website or by calling 101.