卡尔加里警方增加了对被控对新来者进行多次性攻击的83岁少年的指控。 Calgary police add charges against 83-year-old accused of multiple sexual assaults on newcomers.
卡尔加里警方对被控对加拿大新来者进行性攻击的83岁的Robert Edward Choquette提出了额外指控。 Calgary police have laid additional charges against 83-year-old Robert Edward Choquette, accused of sexually assaulting newcomers to Canada. 11月,Choquette最初被控三项性攻击罪,现在共面临八项指控,其中一项是1967年根据另外两名受害者的指控提出的。 Initially charged with three sexual assault counts in November, Choquette now faces eight total charges, including one from 1967, following allegations from two more victims. 警方鼓励任何认为自己是受害者的人站出来,因为加拿大没有关于性攻击的诉讼时效法规。 Police encourage anyone who believes they are a victim to come forward, as there is no statute of limitations on sexual assault in Canada.