根据一项新的一年期协议,不列颠哥伦比亚葡萄酒厂现在可以直接向艾伯塔省消费者出售。 BC wineries can now sell directly to Alberta consumers under a new one-year agreement.
不列颠哥伦比亚省的葡萄酒厂现在可以按照一项为期一年的协议直接向艾伯塔省消费者出售其产品,允许艾伯塔人与艾伯塔省政府一道订购300多个葡萄酒厂,征收适用的税。 British Columbia wineries can now directly sell their products to Alberta consumers under a one-year agreement, allowing Albertans to order from over 300 wineries with the Alberta government collecting applicable taxes. 该协议旨在支持经济增长,加强各省之间的联系。 The deal aims to support economic growth and strengthen ties between the provinces. 之前,阿尔伯塔省已经停止从BC葡萄酒库存. Previously, Alberta had stopped stocking wines from B.C. 生产商直接向消费者销售。 producers selling directly to consumers.