一名来自佛罗里达州州县的17岁女孩死于1月6日晚间美国29号的车祸中。 A 17-year-old girl from Cantonment, Florida, died in a car crash on U.S. 29 late night on January 6th.
一名来自佛罗里达州县的17岁女孩死于1月6日深夜车祸中。 A 17-year-old girl from Cantonment, Florida, died in a late night car crash on January 6th. 佛罗里达高速公路巡逻队报告说,她在美国29号公路上南行的丰田SUV车经过公路,越过车道,撞上了一条沟渠,最后停在附近的停车场。 The Florida Highway Patrol reports that her southbound Toyota SUV on U.S. 29 veered off the road, crossed over lanes, hit a ditch, and ended up in a nearby parking lot. 她在现场被宣布死亡。 She was pronounced dead at the scene. 事故原因尚不清楚。 The cause of the accident is not yet known.