一名19岁的墨尔本女子在Lexus车毁后在I-95上遇害, 19-year-old Melbourne woman killed on I-95 after Lexus crash, with subsequent vehicle strikes.
一名来自佛罗里达州墨尔本的 19 岁女子在与一辆半挂卡车相撞后离开超速行驶的雷克萨斯后,在 95 号州际公路上丧生。 A 19-year-old woman from Melbourne, Florida, was killed on Interstate 95 after exiting her speeding Lexus following a crash with a semi-truck. 她在离开车辆时被多辆汽车击中,包括一辆福特皮卡和一辆丰田卡姆里。 As she left the vehicle, she was struck by multiple vehicles, including a Ford pickup and a Toyota Camry. Lexus一名16岁的乘客受轻伤。 A 16-year-old passenger in the Lexus sustained minor injuries. 佛罗里达高速公路巡逻队正在调查这一事件,事件发生在星期六清晨,地点在188英里标志附近。 The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating the incident, which occurred early Saturday morning near mile marker 188.