将毒品调查员误认为是毒贩,并打算购买芬太尼之后,逮捕了一名妇女。 Woman arrested after mistaking narcotics investigator for dealer, intending to buy fentanyl.
Octavia Wells, 41岁,来自巴拿马城的41岁妇女,在错误地给一名毒品调查员发短信后,在除夕被捕,她以为他是毒贩。 Octavia Wells, a 41-year-old woman from Panama City, was arrested on New Year's Eve after mistakenly texting a narcotics investigator, thinking he was a drug dealer. 她打算买芬太尼 然后在加油站开会 She intended to buy fentanyl and set up a meeting at a gas station. 抵达后,执法部门与她见面,指控她非法使用通信装置、拥有毒品配药和驾驶吊销执照。 Upon her arrival, she was met by law enforcement and charged with unlawfully using a communication device, possessing drug paraphernalia, and driving with a suspended license.