摩尔警方在一次高速追逐后逮捕了凯拉·塞万提斯,在她的卡车上发现了多种毒品。 Moore police arrested Kayla Cervantes after a high-speed chase, finding multiple drugs in her truck.
摩尔警方逮捕了Kayla Cervantes 在一次高速追逐中 Moore police arrested Kayla Cervantes after a high-speed chase sparked by an attempt to set up a drug deal. Cervantes逃跑,在她的车辆被逼翻之前鲁莽驾驶,导致她被捕。 Cervantes fled, driving recklessly before her vehicle was made to flip, leading to her arrest. 警官在她的卡车里 发现了芬太尼、冰毒、海洛因 和毒品 Inside her truck, officers found fentanyl, meth, heroin, and drug paraphernalia. 她被送往医院,然后被关进监狱,面临多重重罪指控,包括分发毒品和躲避警察。 She was taken to the hospital, then booked into jail, facing multiple felony charges including drug distribution and eluding police.