美国驻乌克兰特使推迟行程, 希望影响特朗普对乌克兰冲突的立场。 U.S. envoy to Ukraine postpones trip amid hopes to influence Trump's stance on Ukraine conflict.
美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的乌克兰问题特使基思·凯洛格(Keith Kellogg)推迟了计划前往基辅的行程, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's special envoy for Ukraine, Keith Kellogg, has postponed his planned trip to Kyiv, but it will be rescheduled. 乌克兰外交部长西比哈(Andrii Sybiha)认为这次会议“极其重要”, 目的是讨论近三年来与俄罗斯的冲突。 This meeting, deemed "extremely important" by Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, was aimed at discussing the nearly three-year-old conflict with Russia. 乌克兰官员希望会议能影响特朗普的立场并获得美国的持续支持。 Ukrainian officials hope the meeting will influence Trump's stance and secure continued U.S. support. 推迟的确切原因不清楚,但预计这次旅行将在特朗普就职后进行。 The exact reasons for the postponement are unclear, but the trip is expected to occur after Trump's inauguration.