嫌犯在西凯洛纳被捕,罪名是三所住宅遭到石块袭击;车辆中发现大块岩石。 Suspect arrested in West Kelowna for rock attacks on three homes; large rocks found in vehicle.
12月中旬,一名嫌犯在西凯洛纳被捕,因为他在Pinot Noir Drive三所房屋的窗户上投掷石块。 A suspect has been arrested in West Kelowna for throwing rocks through windows of three homes on Pinot Noir Drive in mid-December. 逮捕发生于1月5日, 警方发现一辆车符合疑犯的描述, 发现里面有大块石块。 The arrest occurred on January 5 when police spotted a vehicle matching the suspect's description, finding large rocks inside. 调查得到当地居民的协助,他们提供信息和视频监视。 The investigation was aided by local residents who provided information and video surveillance. 预计嫌疑人不久将出庭。 The suspect is expected to appear in court soon.