研究发现,许多用于儿童神经发育的数字资源尽管有参与,但缺乏有效性的证据。 Study finds many digital resources for child neurodevelopment lack evidence of effectiveness despite being engaging.
最近的一项研究审查了用于儿童神经发育和心理健康的3 435个数字资源,发现许多资源投入使用,但缺乏成效的证据。 A recent study reviewed 3,435 digital resources for child neurodevelopment and mental health, finding many to be engaging but lacking in evidence of effectiveness. 与卫生、大学或政府团体一起开发了质量最高的应用程序和网站。 The highest-quality apps and websites were developed with health, university, or government groups. 家长可以检查准确性、一致性、支持性链接和最新内容以评估质量,因为37%的应用程序不符合最低标准。 Parents can check for accuracy, consistency, supporting links, and up-to-date content to assess quality, as 37% of apps failed to meet minimum standards.