奥克兰居民报告说,一天内有17辆废弃的购物车,突显了日益严重的问题。 Resident in Auckland reports 17 abandoned shopping trolleys in one day, highlighting growing issue.
奥克兰切瓦利耶(Point Chevalier)的一位居民报导, 一天内发现街上17辆废弃的购物车, A resident in Auckland's Point Chevalier reports finding 17 abandoned shopping trolleys on his street in one day, with around 50 in the past few months. 他责怪「应享待遇与懒惰」, 并建议用硬币操作或自动锁住的推车解决问题。 He blames "entitlement and laziness" and suggests coin-operated or auto-locking trolleys as solutions. Woolworths NZ每年花费超过150万美元收集约80 000辆废弃的推车,敦促公众报告而不是返回。 Woolworths NZ spends over $1.5 million annually collecting about 80,000 abandoned trolleys, urging the public to report, not return, them.